Frog Testis Cross Section. Start studying Frog ovary + testes (x section) Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools.

Frog Testis Stock Image C004 8876 Science Photo Library frog testis cross section
Frog Testis Stock Image C004 8876 Science Photo Library from

medullary cord are the testes of newly metamorphosed frogs ther hand the ovary (Group E2) This cord runs cephalocaudally 4 Figs 36 Histological pictures of larval gonads cross sections (scales 50 m) 3 Male gonad of 5weeksold larva (Group B) Early stage of testicular differentiation 4 Female gonad in Group B Early.

Frogs, Rats and Testes Jacky's microscopy

In any cross section of the testis bundles of sperm heads or tails may be cut at right angles or tangentially giving misleading suggestions of structure The mature spermatozoon is dependent upon external sources of nutrition so that it joins from 25 to 40 other spermatozoa all of whose heads may be seen converging into the cytoplasm of a relatively large columnartype basal cell known as the Sertoli cell.

Frog ovary + testes (x section) Diagram Quizlet

Common frog testis light micrograph C047/9595 Rights Managed 310 MB (310 compressed) 3430 x 3158 pixels 290 x 267 cm ⏐ 114 x 105 in (300dpi) This image is not available for purchase in your country Please contact your Account Manager if you have any query Request Price Add To Basket.

Frog Testis Stock Image C004 8876 Science Photo Library

The Frog Its Reproduction and Development 3 Embryology

Stock Image light micrograph C047 Common frog testis,

Development of the Testis in the Frog Rana nigromaculata

Frog Testis NBS x100 Rat Testis JCM x100 ~*~ Flatters & Garnett (PMS) is a nicely cleared well differentiated section you can easily see the sperm heads (dark blue) clustered in the tubules The tails are less visible but may be seen in parts There is an issue in that some of the sperm heads seem to be ‘fraying’.