Moderato. Different Uses for Moderato When used alongside other types of musical terms such as mood commands moderato will indicate the BPM on its own Moderato maestoso “Moderately and majestically” – an indication to play with dignified passion and a moderate BPM.
What does moderato mean? In moderate tempo that is slower than allegretto but faster than andante Used chiefly as a direction (adjective).
Moderato Meaning Best 6 Definitions of Moderato
Define moderatomoderato synonyms moderato pronunciation moderato translation English dictionary definition of moderato adv & adj Abbr mod Music In moderate tempo that is slower than allegretto but faster than andante Used chiefly as a direction.
Moderato Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
Other articles where moderato is discussed rhythm Temponor fast but rather “moderate” A moderate tempo is assumed to be that of a natural walking pace (76 to 80 paces per minute) or of a heartbeat (72 per minute) The tempo of a piece of music indicated by a composer is however neither absolute nor final In.
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Moderato definition of moderato by The Free Dictionary
Definition & Italian Musical Terms BPM of Moderato
moderato music Britannica
The meaning of MODERATO is moderate —used as a direction in music to indicate tempo.