Polio 中文. 中文 Bânlâmgú 粵語 Editar hiperligações a OMS anunciou a erradicação da polio na África enfatizando que então cinco de suas seis regiões haviam erradicado a doença enfatizando que apenas dois países em todo o mundo continuam a observar a transmissão do poliovírus selvagem o Paquistão e o Afeganistão “O mundo está mais perto de alcançar a erradicação.
Measles vaccine protects against becoming infected with measles Nearly all of those who do not develop immunity after a single dose develop it after a second dose When rates of vaccination within a population are greater than 92% outbreaks of measles typically no longer occur however they may occur again if rates of vaccination decrease The vaccine’s effectiveness lasts many.
Poliomielite – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
The Polio Hall of Fame (or the Polio Wall of Fame) consists of a linear grouping of sculptured busts of fifteen scientists and two laymen who made important contributions to the knowledge and treatment of poliomyelitis It is found on the outside wall of what is called Founder’s Hall of the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation in Warm Springs Georgia The Eleanor.
根除脊髓灰质炎 联合国儿童基金会
Measles vaccine Wikipedia
Warm Springs, Georgia Wikipedia
Poliomyélite — Wikipédia
中文 Bânlâmgú 粵語 Modifier les liens Dans le monde la polio (virus sauvage) a été déclarée officiellement éradiquée aux Amériques (1994) dans le Pacifique occidental (2000) en Europe (2002) dans l’Asie du SudEst dont l’Inde (2014) en Afrique (2020) et ne subsiste plus qu’au Pakistan et en Afghanistan En France le dernier cas de poliomyélite autochtone remonte.