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How To Unblock Whatsapp Calling In Qatar from addictivetips.com

Hello WhatsApp team My whatsapp was banned on Wednesday 13 of January 2021 It’s been 6 days that I couldn’t access my whatsapp It was working fine the i put down my phone for 20 min and when i went to chat I couldn’t and received the message a”your number was banned from using WhatApp”.

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To use WhatsApp on your computer Open WhatsApp on your phone Tap Menu or Settings and select Linked Devices Point your phone to this screen to capture the code.

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WhatsApp Help Center

The United Arab Emirates banned WhatsApp video chat and VoIP call applications in as early as 2013 due to what is often reported as an effort to protect the commercial interests of their home grown nationally owned telecom providers (du and Etisalat) Their app ToTok has received press suggesting it is able to spy on users.